How to Acquire Positive Body Language Like Thomas Shelby in "Peaky Blinders": 6 Traits of a High-Status Walk

 Master the Art of Walking

Master the Art of Walking: 6 Key Traits of a High-Status Stride

        One of the most obvious lessons you can pick up from movies or TV series is the power of body language. Think about it: we instantly recognize the lead characters or antagonists the moment they stride onto the screen, exuding charisma and confidence. Take a moment to recall Thomas Shelby's walk in Peaky Blinders. Your walk is often the first thing people notice about you, and without saying a word, it can reveal a lot about your personality.

        By closely examining the strides of these iconic characters, you can uncover six key traits that define a high-status walk. And the best part? You can master these with practice. Let's dive into these traits and see how you can transform your walk into one of undeniable presence and confidence.

Shoulder Smoothness: 

        Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to command the room as soon as they walk in? It’s not just their charisma but the way they walk that makes all the difference. A confident walk, marked by the rhythmic swinging of shoulders, is often the first sign of someone who owns their space. By swinging their shoulders, men highlight their masculinity and claim more room for themselves, with the shoulder-to-hip ratio playing a crucial role in perceived attractiveness.

Now, let’s flip the script. When you walk stiffly and rigidly, without that balanced shoulder swing, you’re signaling a desire to blend in rather than stand out. This stiffness often reflects stress or threat and can become a defining aspect of your personality. Curious about a real-world example? The next time you’re binge-watching 'The Big Bang Theory,' pay close attention to Leonard Hofstadter’s walk. Spoiler alert: it’s not exactly what you’d call commanding!

        Conversely, empowered women swing their hips while keeping their shoulders more rigid, a stark contrast to their male counterparts. Anatomically designed differently, women naturally sway their hips, a subtle yet powerful way to take up more space. The real question is how women perfect this walk, often by crossing their feet over each other in a confident stride.

So, how do you walk? Try noticing your own stride the next time you’re out and about. You might just discover something new about yourself.

Keeping Your Head Up:

        Have you ever noticed how a simple change in posture can transform someone's entire presence? To achieve a high-status walk, always keep your head high. Those who walk with their heads down appear submissive and threatened while walking with your head up signals fearlessness, confidence, and pride. But be careful not to overdo it—keeping your head too high can come off as arrogance.

        Keeping your head low signals low status. Those who hunch their shoulders and lower their heads make themselves appear smaller. You can observe these traits in movies—next time you're watching a film, see if you can spot this.

        How do you carry yourself when you walk? Could a small adjustment make a big difference? Try it out—walk with your head high and see how it changes the way people perceive you. You might just find that a little change in posture can lead to a big boost in confidence.

Youthful arm swing:

        One of the key traits of a high-status walk is giving a natural swing to your arms. Keeping your arms still while walking can make you appear stiff and less approachable. A gentle hand swing, on the other hand, exudes a vibrant and cool perception of you. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to convey energy and confidence.

        If you prefer to keep your hands in your pockets, make sure to leave your thumbs out. Thumbs are a subtle yet powerful tool for displaying dominance and assertiveness. Plus, it’s aesthetically pleasing and adds to your overall cool factor.

Remember, your walk speaks volumes about your personality. So, swing those arms and show the world your confident, dynamic self!

Activated Scapula:

        Ever seen someone walking like a hunchbacked turtle, their throat completely disappearing as they hunch forward? Nothing screams "low status" more than a walk like that. Instead, one should always walk with an activated scapula, pushing the shoulders down and back. This simple adjustment broadens the chest and thrusts it forward. After all, a man's chest should enter the room before his belly is exactly why business suits have wide shoulders – to make the wearer look more powerful and authoritative. So, stand tall, activate your scapula, and stride with confidence.

Here's how to perfect your walk and boost your presence:

Lower Your Shoulders: Drop your shoulders down and then back.

Broaden Your Chest: Push your chest forward, leading with it as you walk.

Mind Your Posture: Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head, keeping your spine straight

With these tips, you'll not only look more confident but also feel more powerful.


        When I talk about non-reactiveness, I mean walking with your own face – composed and controlled. Whether you're walking slowly or quickly, what's crucial is to walk smoothly and confidently. Let others adjust to your pace. Maintain a calm, steady expression and avoid rapid head movements in all directions. Rapid, jerky movements suggest that everything around you is more important than yourself and your purpose.

Here's how to master non-reactiveness in your walk:

Keep Your Face Relaxed: Walk with a smooth, composed expression.
Move Gracefully: Let your movements be fluid and controlled.

Minimize Head Movements: Instead of turning your head rapidly, use your eyes to look around. If you need to glance to the side quickly, shift your eyeballs instead of turning your entire head.

        By adopting these techniques, you'll exude confidence and calm, making a powerful impression on those around you. Remember, it's all about controlling your walk and commanding yourself.

 Walk with a Purpose:

        Walking with purpose means having a clear intention in your mind, whether you're strolling down the street or entering an office. You must know what you want and go after it. Without this clarity, you cannot master the high-status walk. Your purpose fuels your confidence, which will radiate through your body language, especially your walk.

        If you've made it this far in reading my blog, I challenge you to spot the six traits of a high-status walk in any movie or TV series you watch next. My top picks? Check out Peaky Blinders, any James Bond film, or a John Wick movie. You'll see exactly what I mean.

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